
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

Sowing and cultivating the future. A fight against deforestation.

This project was carried out by my group, which is made up of Ana López Vizcaino, Diego Barragan Torres and myself, Luis Carlos García. For this project, my partners and I decided to work as volunteers and change managers in a new neighborhood in Barranquilla: Alameda del Río, characterized by being one of the areas of urban expansion and growth in Barranquilla, this real estate complex is built in one of the driest areas of the city and the department.  With this project, we identified that in this part of the city there is little vegetation and trees, and the green areas are warm and dry; for this, with our work we seek to alleviate a little deforestation in the Barranquilla District and at the same time create awareness among residents and inhabitants about the importance of green growth and the strong consequences of deforestation. With this methodology we sought to unite the community and organize sessions for the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers throughout the residential ar

The official figure of deforestation in Colombia is 197.159 hectares

In 2017 the figure reaches 219,973 hectares, equivalent to an increase of 23% compared to 2016. Deforestation in the Colombian Caribbean continues to increase. Deforestation in Atlántico IDEAM has warned that increases in deforestation levels are due in part to illegal mining, extensive ranching, land colonization and illicit crops, which have been growing in various regions of the country. (El espectador).  "According to IDEAM, during the last semester of 2018, 8.6% of total national deforestation was caused in the Caribbean Region (problems of 0.6% compared to the first semester of 2018), which was concentrated mainly in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. A p henomenon that has great repercussions for the country's sustainability and people's well-being." (El Heraldo, 2019).

A new way to help. Let's save the forests

This blog is the product of a research project carried out as students of English V level at the Institute of Languages ​​of the Universidad del Norte. This project is developed within the framework of the Unit: Making a Difference , with which we seek to make communities aware of important problems that directly affect us. The environment and the problems that it has affect us directly, therefore, it is necessary to bring the community together and fight against environmental problems, one of them: deforestation. Deforestation Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to ma ke room for something besides forest. This can include clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing. According to National Geographic,   Forests are a resource, but they are also large, undeveloped swaths of land that can be converted for purposes such as agriculture and grazing. In Colombia, deforestation has generated different effects: For exampl