A new way to help. Let's save the forests

This blog is the product of a research project carried out as students of English V level at the Institute of Languages ​​of the Universidad del Norte.
This project is developed within the framework of the Unit: Making a Difference, with which we seek to make communities aware of important problems that directly affect us.

The environment and the problems that it has affect us directly, therefore, it is necessary to bring the community together and fight against environmental problems, one of them: deforestation.


Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides forest. This can include clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing. According to National Geographic,  Forests are a resource, but they are also large, undeveloped swaths of land that can be converted for purposes such as agriculture and grazing.

In Colombia, deforestation has generated different effects:
  • For example, in the department of Atlantico, there are some sectors where there has been 100% deforestation in flat areas.
  • 75% of native tropical dry forest species are extinct.
  • The vocation of the land is that of the forests, but it is used for livestock and, secondly, for agriculture.

