Sowing and cultivating the future. A fight against deforestation.

This project was carried out by my group, which is made up of Ana López Vizcaino, Diego Barragan Torres and myself, Luis Carlos García. For this project, my partners and I decided to work as volunteers and change managers in a new neighborhood in Barranquilla: Alameda del Río, characterized by being one of the areas of urban expansion and growth in Barranquilla, this real estate complex is built in one of the driest areas of the city and the department. With this project, we identified that in this part of the city there is little vegetation and trees, and the green areas are warm and dry; for this, with our work we seek to alleviate a little deforestation in the Barranquilla District and at the same time create awareness among residents and inhabitants about the importance of green growth and the strong consequences of deforestation. With this methodology we sought to unite the community and organize sessions for the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers throughout the residential area, with which it was desired to reduce the heat of the area, create recreation spaces with a pleasant climate and of course beautify the city.

With this work and with the collaboration of the neighbors, we hoped to learn and at the same time teach the importance of protecting the environment, planting trees and flowers; as well as the importance of cooperation, collaborative work, team building and a sense of belonging, as these are fundamental pillars in building communities and important tools to make a real difference. In this investigation, we found that this important area of ​​economic growth has projects aimed at creating green areas and recreation spaces, however, today when more than 1,100 people live in the sector, the area does not have many trees, large vegetation zones or beautification projects. We chose this area because we consider it to be the perfect space to start a great beautification and afforestation project. This area, inspired by growing urban centers, requires the action of the authorities, the community and neighbors to become a recognized space for its economic and environmental development. In addition, we chose this area because both our partner Ana López and I live in this neighborhood, and we want to contribute to its sustainable growth. This project was inspired by the sustainable growth of the city of Copenhagen, which has managed to match the needs of economic and population growth with the demands of protecting the environment and green areas. In the same way, we chose this project because the figures on deforestation are alarming (Deforestation figures), and therefore we must have a quick response to this problem that causes many effects, including increasing the chances of global warming and the extinction of many species.

At the beginning, our proposal was focused on the help and protection of animals, especially cats, we planned to design and manufacture automatic feeders for cats and tie these devices to poles and trees. However, we modified our project because we thought that planting trees and raising awareness in the community would allow those who join the project a simpler and equally effective response. In the same way, we consider that the planting of trees and gardens in this walnut area is necessary, allowing the inhabitants and visitors spaces with good weather, for recreation. The main purpose of our project was: To plant some trees and flowers, and at the same time; sensitize the community about the importance of plants and trees in the care of the environment and as a tool against climate change.

How did we carry out our project?
To develop this project we needed some tools and materials such as water, seeds, fertilizers, shovels, gloves and others, as well as flyers and computers to send transmission information to call the community to carry out planting and irrigation sessions for green areas, We also found an ideal way to collect trees and seeds for planting in permitted spaces, watering and fertilizing the area, and maintaining plant care.
In this project we had an excellent communication, the team worked collaboratively and in solidarity, we shared many challenges such as community acceptance and willingness to work, however many of the inhabitants donated plants and seeds and small trees for the project and several of the community members helped us plant. With the development of the activities and work sessions, we perfectly followed the design plan, on the scheduled dates and with the assistance of the three members of the group. The most satisfying and enjoyable part of the project was when we started planting the trees and the community joined us in developing this work; With the best disposition, they helped us to organize the land, transport the trees and collect seeds. During the meetings we had some obstacles¿s, some of them: the strong breezes that knocked down the bushes and fences and knocked down the small trees; the heat of the earth and the sun; and sometimes the difficulty in transportation.

After finishing planting several trees, I realized that I would have liked to plant the trees in the afternoon, avoiding the sun and strong breezes. And this was also the least pleasant thing about the project. However, we managed to link several neighbors in the area and raise awareness about the importance of vegetation and trees. In the same way, we were able to plant several trees and shrubs in the area and observe their growth; We were also aware of the growth of various flowers that today make this community more beautiful.

In conclusion, with this project we seek to raise awareness among the inhabitants of the area, invite them to become part of the community of change and contribute to the beautification of the area. With this project we get the support of the inhabitants and guests in planting trees that will allow to generate a better climate in the area and beautify the space, we also share wonderful experiences with the community, we learned the importance of support, collaboration and hard work . We also learned the importance of believing in social and ecological development, of social causes and of the need to protect our environment.

Today we can say; We made a difference!
