Our inspiration in this project consisted of creating conscious and participative communities that cared about the development of the area and the importance of green spaces as areas of recreation and fun.

In the same way, our inspiration for this work was the city of Copenhagen - Denmark, one of the most important cities and development centers in the world; This city has managed to balance urban and population growth with environmental conservation and the protection of ecosystems.

Copenhagen is the capital and chief port of Denmark, a city that occupies the eastern part of Zealand and northern part of the island of Amager
Copenhagen - Denmark

Today Copenhagen is the most important green city in Europe, and the emission of pollutants has greatly decreased; With a population of approximately 1,969,941 inhabitants this Danish city has shown the world that you can think of economic development, without forgetting the importance of preserving the environment and forests.

Likewise, Barranquilla has this wonderful challenge of generating urban and economic growth and development, without forgetting also environmental and social development.
Barranquilla - Colombia
